These Unicode signs work throughout KnD:
╠ - in game clock
╔ - gold
╦ - xp star
┌ - fusion star
¦ - metal boxing hand
§ - black box
═ - fire element
╬ - water element
¤ - earth element
ð - air element
Ð - spirit element
█ - starmetal
☺ - silver key
☻ - enchanted key
♥ - dark prince key
◙ - Weird Key
♠ - W / win symbol
▄ - arena energy
▒ - green "boost!" text
☃ - snowman
☁ - cloud
☂ - umbrella
☀ - black sun with rays
☄ - comet
☎ - black telephone
♦ - shield
♣ - sword
I know you guys probably figured out some not listed here so feel free to share more in the comments and I will update the post :)