Wednesday, November 4, 2015

How Do I Add Symbols To My Knights and Dragons Name?

Do you want to know how everyone is getting those cool icons in their Knights and Dragons game? They are using Unicode symbols, your standard phone or tablet keyboard will have some installed but you may need to download an app to get all the available options.

These Unicode signs work throughout KnD:

╩ - gems
╠ - in game clock
╔ - gold
╦ - xp star
┌ - fusion star
¦ - metal boxing hand
§ - black box

═ - fire element
╬ - water element
¤ - earth element
ð - air element
Ð - spirit element
█ - starmetal

☺ - silver key
☻ - enchanted key
♥ - dark prince key
◙ - Weird Key
♠ - W / win symbol
▄  - arena energy

▒ - green "boost!" text

A lot of Unicode signs work in "My Knights" and Guild Chat but not on profile or guild list, including:
☃ - snowman
☁ - cloud
☂ - umbrella
☀ - black sun with rays
☄ - comet
☎ - black telephone
♦ - shield
♣ - sword

And almost all emoji work in guild chat now too! 

I know you guys probably figured out some not listed here so feel free to share more in the comments and I will update the post :)